1. NAME: The Club shall be called AMANZIMTOTI CYCLING CLUB
2. HEADQUARTERS: The headquarters shall be in AMANZIMTOTI
3. COLOURS: The Club colours shall be orange and black
The objectives of the Club are:
a) To encourage and promote all forms of amateur competitive and non-competitive cycling.
b) To promote, control and stage amateur cycling and/or athletic meetings and individual events in the area of jurisdiction of CYCLING KZN.
c) To do all such things as may be necessary or deemed necessary for the management of the Club and for the due carrying out of the above-mentioned objectives and those of CYCLING KZN and CYCLING SA.
d) To co-operate with and in any other way act in conjunction with other clubs affiliated to CYCLING KZN and the KZN Athletic Association for the purpose of promoting sports meetings and individual events and furthering the interests of the Club.
e) To provide for the training and coaching of individual members and teams.
f) To co-operate with CYCLING KZN in the training of Officials.
g) To promote Annual Club Championships and aggregate events as may be decided upon by the Executive Committee from time to time.
h) To provide for the registration of Club members.
i) To create and maintain a spirit of good fellowship among Club members.
Following are the club’s affiliations
a) The Amanzimtoti Cycling Club is affiliated to Cycling South Africa (CSA) and Cycling KZN.
b) The Amanzimtoti Cycling Club is affiliated to the Amanzimtoti Sports Centre, based at Hutchison Park.
c) Membership shall be open to any bona-fide amateur cyclist within the area of jurisdiction of CYCLING KZN or any non-competitive cyclist.
d) Applications for membership must be made in writing to the Club on the prescribed “Proposal Form”. These to be submitted to the club, together with the required subscription fee.
e) All applications must be submitted at the next Committee Meeting for registration.
f) The Executive Committee shall have the right to refuse any application for membership without assigning any reason for such refusal.
g) The Honorary Secretary shall notify a new member of his/her acceptance and advise him/her that a copy of the Constitution is available on the Club website.
h) Membership does not give or grant any member any right or title to any of the assets, monies or properties of the Club. The intent and meaning being that the Club is the Proprietor of the whole of the assets and no member shall become entitled to any individual right to the Club’s assets or effects.
i) Life membership may be granted to persons who have been paid-up members for 15 continuous years or more.
j) Honourary members – may be granted to persons who, in the opinion of the club members at the Annual General Meeting, have rendered outstandingly meritorious service to the Club e.g. a member did the financial audits for 15 years at no cost to the club and was awarded an honorary membership.
The club follows the following rules:
a) The rules of the Club shall be in accordance with the rules of CYCLING SA.
b) The rules of any competition shall be in accordance with the rules of CYCLING SA.
7.1 The management of the Club shall be vested in:
The Executive Committee
An Emergency Committee
7.2 The Executive committee will have the following club members:
Club Chairman
Vice Chairman
Honorary Secretary
Club captains:
· Road
· Mountain biking
· Development
Communication Coordinator
7.3 The Emergency Committee shall consist of:
The Chairman
The Vice-Chairman
The Honorary Secretary and/or Treasurer or one other member of the Executive Committee
The Emergency Committee may meet at any time and exercise all the powers of the Executive Committee in any matter of emergency provided, however, that any action taken by such Emergency Committee shall be reported at the next meeting of the Executive Committee for confirmation.
7.4 Meetings of the Executive Committee
a) The Executive Committee shall meet at least once a quarter for the dispatch of business, adjourn or otherwise regulate their meetings, as they think fit.
b) At least seven days’ notice shall be given to all members of an Executive Committee meeting
7.5 Quorum at Meetings of the Executive Committee
At any meeting of the Executive Committee, one more than half of its members shall form a quorum.
7.6 Method of Voting at Executive Committee Meetings
Each member shall have one (1) vote.
In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have casting vote in addition to his deliberative vote.
7.7 Additional Club Member
The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional Club members to the Committee to assist with the affairs of the Club. In the event of an official Committee vote such club members shall have no deliberative vote.
The election of Office Bearers are as follows
a) The Chairman and other club members of the Executive Committee, as per allocated responsibility, shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
b) The Executive committee shall further have the power to co-opt club members into posts that may become necessary during a year. If the need for such a post shall persist, the necessary amendment shall be made to the constitution at the next AGM.
c) Only paid-up club members may be elected as Office Bearers.
d) Office Bearers may hold dual office
9.1 The Chairman shall:
a) Ensure that the rules of the Governing Body are carried out.
b) Preside over all Committee meetings and Annual General or Special General meetings.
c) Represent the club at other forums such as CKZN.
d) Promote the interests of the club and the sport in general.
9.2 The Vice Chairman shall
a) Fulfil the responsibilities of the Chairman in his absence.
b) Promote the interests of the club and the sport in general.
c) Arrange a monthly social event.
d) Promote the social activities among club members.
9.3 The Honorary Secretary shall:
a) Prepare and circulate minutes of the meetings.
b) Send notices of the meetings.
c) Conduct correspondence on behalf of the committee and club.
d) Manage the club kit.
e) Convene a Committee or Special General Meeting in accordance with this Constitution, provided that if he/she should default, the Chairman shall convene the meeting.
9.4 The Honorary Treasurer shall:
a) Manage the financial affairs of the club.
b) Manage the club sponsorship.
c) Record and prepare financial information.
9.5 Club Captains shall:
a) Arrange training rides.
b) Allocate club races for the year.
c) Promote the level of cycling among club members which includes training rides, training camps and cycling clinics.
d) Encourage new members and promote participation.
e) Arrange for gazebos, refreshments etc at races and club events.
9.6 Communications coordinator shall:
a) Prepare and distribute a newsletter on a regular basis.
b) Prepare and distribute press releases on club and cycling activities.
c) Ensure that the website is updated and maintained.
d) Record and update information on club members.
e) Manage the club subscription process
The Chairman, Honorary Secretary and/or Treasurer, in their capacity as such for the time being, shall be the Trustees of, and to all intents and purposes, the legal holders of all monies, cups and other properties of the Club and shall deal with same as the Executive Committee may from time to time decide. They shall have the power to institute or defend any action at law in the name of the Club when authorised to by the Committee.
Financial responsibility of the club is as follows:
a) The financial year of the Club shall be from 1st October to 30st September of the following year.
b) All funds of the Club shall be lodged in an Amanzimtoti Bank in the name of the Club. All payments and withdrawal orders shall be authorised by the Chairman and countersigned by the Treasurer or one other member of the Committee authorised to act in the absence of these officials. Only the Chairman or Treasurer may endorse cheques for deposit.
c) The Executive Committee must approve all monetary expenditure.
d) An examiner shall be appointed by the Executive Committee to examine the books and accounts and submit a report for the Annual General Meeting.
A General meeting of the Club shall be held once a year. Such General meeting shall be held as soon as possible after the end of the financial year. This Meeting shall be called the Annual General Meeting and it shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to submit to such meeting a report and financial statement of the year’s work.
The Executive Committee may, whenever they think fit, and they shall upon requisition made in writing by paid-up members and signed by not less than 25% paid-up members of the Club, call a Special General Meeting.
Following are the methods of voting at meetings:
a) All registered members, members of the Executive Committee and Life Members shall have one (1) vote each.
b) In the case of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to his deliberate vote.
c) All questions submitted to a meeting shall be decided by a show of hands, or ballot, if one third of the club members present shall require same before voting takes place, or if the Chairman shall so decide.
d) The vote of the majority of the club members present at all meetings, in all cases, shall be binding on the minority.
At all General Meetings, the quorum shall be 25% of the Club’s paid-up club members.
16.1 The procedure of the Annual General Meeting shall be as follows:
a) Reading of notice convening the meeting.
b) Reading and confirming the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and of any Special General Meeting held since the previous Annual General Meeting.
c) Reading the Annual Reports of the Executive Committee.
d) Receiving the audited Revenue and Expenditure Account for the previous year, considering and adopting same with such resolutions as may be passed in it.
e) To review membership fees.
f) To elect a Chairman and committee members for the next year.
g) General Discussion.
16.2 The procedure of the Special General meetings shall be as follows:
a) Reading of notice convening the meeting.
b) Dealing with any special business of which notice of motion shall have been given.
c) General discussion.
The Club’s Membership Fee procedure is as follows:
a) The fees for competitive and non-competitive club members shall be prescribed at each Annual General Meeting and are due annually.
b) All subscriptions are due on 1st November of each year. Failure to pay such subscriptions on due date shall render the member in default liable to suspension from the benefits of the Club.
c) Subscriptions of new members joining after the commencement of the year may be adjusted pro-rata at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
d) The Committee must give 14 days’ notice of their intention to suspend any club member in default for the non-payment of subscriptions.
e) Entries to all club events shall be free for all paid-up members with the exception of open events organised by the Club, unless otherwise decided by the Committee.
f) Levies may be imposed, but only by a decision reached at a General or Special General Meeting, or as laid down from time to time by the Executive Committee.
g) No member shall be entitled to vote on any occasion or be eligible for election as an office bearer if his subscriptions and/or any liabilities to the Club are more than one (1) month overdue.
The club’s code of conduct is as follows:
a) Any member found guilty of contravening the rules of racing as laid down by CYCLING SA shall be reported to CYCLING KZN.
b) If the conduct of any member at any time be considered offensive to the best interests and good name of the Club, the Committee shall be empowered to suspend or expel such member. Any decision reached by the Committee in accordance with this rule shall be delivered, in writing, to the offender who shall have the right to appeal in writing to the Honorary Secretary within fourteen (14) days of such decision.
c) Such appeal shall be considered by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman and their decision shall be final.
a) All suggestions and complaints by club members of the Club shall be lodged, in writing, with the Honorary Secretary for submission to the Committee for their attention.
b) All notices posted on the Club’s website by the Communications coordinator shall be considered due notice to every member of the Club.
Any of the provisions of this Constitution may be repealed, amended or added to in any manner and new provisions may be inserted by an Annual or Special General Meeting of the Club provided:
a) That notice of motion to repeal, amend, add to or insert any provision shall have been received by the Honorary Secretary not less than 14 days prior to the General Meeting at which such meeting will be considered.
b) That such notice specifies the alteration to be proposed.
c) That the proposal appears in the Agenda for the General Meeting.
d) That two thirds of the club members entitled to vote at such meeting, are in favour of the motion.
a) The club may dissolve when the number of remaining, paid-up members is less than 10.
b) The members may vote to dissolve the Club if not less than three quarters of those present and voting support that proposal at a properly convened general meeting.
c) The Committee will then be responsible for the dissolution of the Club’s affairs.
d) After settling all liabilities of the Club, the Committee shall dispose of the net assets remaining to one or more of the following:
i. To another Club with similar sports purposes which is a charity
ii. To another Club with similar sports purposes which is a registered non-profit organisation
iii. To the Amanzimtoti Sports Centre for use by them for related community sports
e) It is specifically recorded that no individual, member or not, may gain financially from the dissolution of the Club.
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